
British Nursery & Primary School
(without Russian languange)
  • A rich development program includes lessons, talks during a day, games, parties in English
  • Native speaking teachers work full time from the morning to the evening (9:00-18:00)
  • More then 8 hours of English talks every day
  • Our child psychologist helps to adapt a child to a new language environment
Bright childhood
Childhood should be bright, fun, interesting and filled with joyful emotions! Something interesting, incredible and cool is constantly happening in Kidsberry. Our ideas, life scenarios, author's programs are our pride!
Our community
Our parents are different people united by common goals and values regarding the upbringing and education of their children. Parents are entrepreneurs, bankers, IT managers, architectors, fashion designers, actors and actresses, showmen, Yale University' (USA) professor, diplomats of foreign Embassies, journalists and TV presenters, expats from around the world and others.

English Environment

Lessons, activities, games, parties, science, drama etc in English
Daily Schedule
09:00-10:00 - Arrival
09:30-10:00 - Free play | School activity
10:00-11:00 - English class
11:00-11:15 - Fruit snack
11:15-12:00 - English Class, Activities
12:10-13:00 - Outside play
13:10-13:30 - Lunch
13:30-14:00 - Free play
14:00-16:00 - Rest | Nap time
option: 15:00-15:30 - (4+) Free art | (5+) Math, Reading
15:30-16:00 - Snack | Free play
16:00-17:00 - English class
17:00-17:40 - Art & Craft, Activities
17:40-18:00 - Free play
18:10-18:30 - Dinner
18:30-19:00 - Outside play, end of a day

Lessons, talks, games with native speaking teacher full day
30 building 3, Trubnikovsky lane, Moscow, Russia
г. Москва, Трубниковский переулок, 30с3
(м.Смоленская, м. Баррикадная, м.Краснопресненская)
Reviews about Kidsberry click here: Яндекс
— Working hours 9:00-18:00
— All lessons in English
— Small group till 12 children
— Native speaking teachers
— 8+ hours of english environment, conversations in English
rubles per month
— Working hours 9:00-13:30
— All morning lessons in English
— Small group for 10-12 children
— 2 native speaking teachers and an assistant
— Untill 4,5 hours of english lessons, games, environment, conversations in English
rubles per month
— Extra play time 18:00-19:00
rubles per month
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