English-Russian Kindergarten & Preschool in the Heart of Moscow (Arbatskaya)

Get a trial day free

Part Time (from 08:30 a.m. to 01:30 p.m.)
Full Time (from 08:30 a.m. to 07:00 p.m.)
Flexible conditions
The most democratic prices in the Center of Moscow
English >50% of time
Pre-Nursery from 22 months of baby
Preparation to School
Kidsberry is a choice of diffrent embassies
Fill out the application

English-Russian Kindergarten & Preschool in the Heart of Moscow (Arbatskaya)

Get a trial day free

Part Time (from 08:30 a.m. to 01:30 p.m.)
Full Time (from 08:30 a.m. to 07:00 p.m.)
Flexible conditions
The most democratic prices in the Center of Moscow
English >50% of time
Pre-Nursery from 22 months of baby
Preparation to School
Kidsberry is a choice of diffrent embassies
Fill out the application
Choose the format, time and other options for visiting kindergarten and find out the cost by going through an interview less than a minute. And get a free day as bonus.
Our lessons


  • 5 hours every day
  • 3 times a day of meals
  • English full time
  • Sport activities and smart games
  • Music and Choreagraphy
  • Preparation to School
  • Early Childhood developing
  • Price is 75,000 RUR per month
Get 3-5 times per week
8.30 – 13.00
8.30 – 19.00
2/3 b.2, Khlebnyi per., Moscow
Pre-Nursery (from 22 months to 3 y.o.)
Nursery/Reception (3-4 y.o.)
Year1/Year2 (5-7 y.o.)
Every classes has a teacher and an assistant
Time options
1. Part Time (8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.)
2. Full Time (8:30 a.m. - 07.00 p.m.)
3. Three daysper a week
4. Five days per a week
5. Individual Time
Outside play
We walk for 40-60 minutes twice a day at playgrounds. We take water, a first-aid kit and games
We speak English, Russian and the *language of children*. We have experience working with children who do not know either Russian or English.
Our prices are the most democratic in the Center of Moscow. Prices are from 42,000 to 58,000 roubles per month. Application fee is 25,000 roubles. GET -15% of cost right now just fill the form in the TOP of site
Preparation to the school
Reading and writing, mathematics and numeracy, literature, phonetics
Educational programs
We use programs of British Early Years Foundation Stage, International Baccalaureate, Russian program of childhood development.
Our community
Our clients are families of expats, foreign specialists, foreign ambassadors and diplomats, families that don't speak in Russian, specialists of FIFA. Here are a few countries where our children come from: • USA • Great Britain • Italy • Finland • Portugal • Lithuania • Japan • Turkmenistan • Turkey • Armenia • Macedonia • Ukraine • Greece • Estonia Brazil Russia
We eat 3 or 5 times a day. Healthy food. Replacement of allergic components
Сaring of the child
Caring of child' health, nutrition, hygiene, medical checkup
Who we are
Founder. Ilya Kartsev is an expert of childhood development;
Director. Irina has more than 14 years of experience in strong and elite kindergartens in Moscow. She is a child psychologist, a manager and a speech therapist
Teachers. Our teachers are graduate teachers, with experience working with children. All teachers speak English, Russian.
Early Development
Сomplex Early Development - physical, intellectual, musical, artistic, themed holidays and festivals, art project weeks
Any questions?

Overviews of the Kidsberry

2/3 build.2, Khlebnyi per., Moscow
Tel: +7 903 962-70-74
Tel: +7 916 802-23-67 (director)

Are you teacher? Send your CV: kidzberry[аt]
Choose the format, time, budget and other options for visiting kindergarten and find out the cost by going through an interview in 1 minute
Well. Final step now...
How old are your baby?
If you have more then 1 kid before 7 y.o., please select some points
Where you live or work?
if some please write both
What kind of kindergarten are you currently attending?
If you do not visit the kindergarten select the point of the house or nanny
What time is convenient for you to visit?
How many times a year does your child be ill?
Is your child vaccinated?
Your budget for a private kindergarten, leisure and entertainment for the child?
for each kid, monthly