Kidsberry - magical kindergarten & preschool in the heart of Moscow near by New Arbat street and Patriarch' ponds

Kidsberry - is a wonderful place for the active development of kids, where they experience thousands of shades of emotions of joy, delight, surprise and happiness. Kidsberry is more than a kindergarten and a school, it is a bright childhood, warm, carefree days.
A rich program - an incredible experience - up to 37 types of classes, 50+ unique projects, discoveries, fun parties - there is no such thing anywhere else, at least on the center of Moscow.
We take care of your child, food, sleep, games, classes, medical care - all inclusive!
Our international community consists of interesting people from all over the world engaged in a variety of activities.
Maximum care for your child
We provide taking care, meals, plays, walkings, rest, naps, lots of lessons, helping toilets etc.

Don't worry about language barriers - we specialize to take care of children from all over the world whom don't know Russian or English at all. During next some months they will understand and speak in Russian and English with their friends. So, we also help to learn russian and english to integrate children to communication and friendship between children.

Full time is from 8:30 am to 07:00 pm.
Your new community
We are attended by families of entrepreneurs, bankers, fashion designers, architects, IT managers, film and theater artists, show residents, famous sports coaches, a professor at Yale University (USA), diplomats, ambassadors and various expats from around the world (about 25 countries). The parents of children are progressive people, here are companies and organizations in whose life and development they play a significant role:
Bright childhood
Childhood should be bright, fun, interesting and filled with joyful emotions! Something interesting, incredible and cool is constantly happening in Kidsberry. Our ideas, life scenarios, author's programs are our pride!
  • Aleh Tsyvinski
    Ph.D., Professor of Yale University
    "My son Alex loves Kidsberry every day. Kidsberry is a very good kindergarten"
  • Brian Glisson
    "We are extremely happy go to Kartsev School" (Kidsberry)
Our Program
Full of classes and children's lifestyle life
Early development
Early development | Speech development | Sensory development | Fine and large motor skills | Physical development | Intelligence Development | Creativity | Music, Songs | Choreography | Fun parties
Creativity | Drawing in different styles | Crafting |
Music, theatre, choreography
Music | Vocals | Drama | Choreography | Optional: ballet, hip-hop dancing
Sport, outdoor activities
Physical education | Sports competitions | Outdoor activities | Optional: Karate, gymnastics
Educational games | Logic | Mathematics | Advanced Maths
Dialogues | Letter | Reading | Math | Grammar | Themes | Creativity | Music | Drama | Games
Scientific experiments | Botany | Geography | Science | The World Around us
Preparation to the school
Math | Reading | Fiction | Writing and calligraphy | Science | English

types of lessons are included

hours of english for a year
1000 hours of english in advanced program for a year

themed projects, parties for your children

the author's directions of the program that will fill the lives of children with incredible impressions and experiences

the coolest lessons every day
in pre-nursery group

hours of intensive English per day for children in the English class

unique themed get-togethers that you won't find anywhere else

new art master classes per year
We always worry about what we do and how. We have a lot of our own freaky ideas that we creatively bring to life! Children definitely appreciate it - they are given out by burning eyes, emotions of joy, delight and serene fun. Many people think that kindergarten is about pedagogy and teachers, but we believe that kindergarten is about building such a system of values, an atmosphere, a combination of various activities and movements, it's about a multifaceted interesting experience that children master and about a happy carefree childhood, which the child will remember with nostalgia and a smile on his face again and again. And our role is to be the architects of childhood, to give children the opportunity to taste the best of the world around them, life. In our collection there is a rich set of author's programs, ideas, moves, adventures that are waiting for the opportunity to share with your child!

Founder and Director,
the childhood architect
The groups are formed by age
22 months - 3 y.o.
Taking care of child
From 22 months to 3 years old 2 months
Part time is 8:30 - 13:30
Full day is 8:30 - 17:30
Advanced day is 8:30 - 19:00
6-10 lessons every day
Lots of plays
Outdoor activities
Early Child Development
Speech development
Nap time 14:00-16:00
Meals included (5 times a day)
3+, 4+ y.o.
Taking care of child
From 3 years old 2 months to 5 years old
Part time is 8:30 - 13:30
Full day is 8:30 - 19:00
Up to 37 types of lessons every month
Lots of plays
Outdoor activities
English every morning half a day
Nap time 14:00-16:00
Meals included (5 times a day)
5+, 6+ y.o.
Taking care of child
From 5 years old to 7 years old
Part time is 8:30 - 13:30
Full day is 8:30 - 19:00
Preparation to the strong schools
Lots of different lessons
Outdoor activities
English every morning half a day
Nap time 14:00-16:00 or rest
Meals included (5 times a day)
From 6-7 years old
Small group (less then 10 children)
Individual approach
Strong school, strong program
Strong Mathematics
Soft Skills Development
Russian Class hours 9:00 - 14:00
English Class hours 14:00 - 16:00
Outdoor activities
Meals included (2-3 times a day)
Home work at school

From 7-8 years old
Small group (less then 10 children)
Individual approach
Strong school, strong program
Strong Mathematics
Soft Skills Development
Russian Class hours 9:00 - 14:00
English Class hours 14:00 - 16:00
Outdoor activities
Meals included (2-3 times a day)
Home work at school

Schedule (timetable)
Working hours 08:30 - 19:00
Instagram Feed
Kindergarten (nursery), preschool, primary school
Phone, whatsapp: +7 903 962 7074
Email: kidzberry@yаndeх.ru
Address: 2/3 building 2, Hlebnyi pereulok, Moscow, Russia